The Story of Solomon.
Hundreds of years ago, there was a tribe of people. these certain people were in equal and savage compared to the rest of the men that ruled the earth. these men were different because they possessed the ability to become one with the earth. during the spring each year, they would arise from the ground, the same ground where they laid to rest the winter before. during this period of time, they would slumber beneath the land. these men were giants, as tall as the highest mountain in all of the land. they looked like the remains of a charred tree in the forest. these men would rise from the grave each year, rejuvenated, and ready to posses the land that was theirs. when they would arise, the land would tremble, and crack with hoards of ember. these people were few in numbers, and had an irksome rivalry with the human race. the humans always feared these people, because of their appearance. the humans would start wars with the tree people, but in the end, the humans would fall with defeat, but their numbers were to great, and the tree people would eventually be out numbered.
every generation of tree people, there is a new leader elected, who would lead for a hundred years. in this lifetime the new leader was called Solomon. Solomon was the most vicious, savage, but the one with the most heart. he had the ability to love, and lead his people, in a way that was never possible before. Solomon and his people lived in the desert for all of their lives, what now is known as Nevada.because of the overpopulation of humans, the tribe must stay hidden from view. they still live on to this day, waiting for the humans to meet their demise, when they can arise and reclaim the land that is rightfully theirs. their numbers have diminished greatly, but Solomon and his small tribe, stay in their home. although the tree people are savage, they posses something in their nature that the humans do not. they do not wage was among their own kind. although they are unequal, they consider themselves, and all creatures of the earth to be equals.