Last Monday, our class took a trip around our school, we took notes on the various spaces and how lighting and the height of the room can affect how it feels. we stared out in out regular classroom, overall we agreed that the room felt small, we walked out to the next class room, we all agreed it felt much bigger. the height of the roof was much taller in the second room. we then took a trip out to the cafeteria, there the roof was taller than any other of the rooms. there was also natural lights that opened up the room. we all discussed how natural light, and the height of the room can make a dramatic difference on how a room feels. Our class then walked to the balcony facing a giant glass wall, this made the room feel much more open, the celings were not that high, but the window and space open below made all the difference. one thing that I notices that made the room feel more open was the continuing wall that could be seen inside and outside. our class then went into the Woodshop room, we went up to the loft where Mr.R our teacher had lifted up several of the celing tiles. we stepped on a chair and looked up into it. we could see the whole system, and how much there really was underneath those commonly seen white tiles.